Monday, November 24, 2008

Rockumentary Featuring Junius, Circle Takes The Square (click "continue reading" for dl)

So this is a documentary I made with a friend a couple of years back for an undergrad radio course. The idea was to put together a sort of starter kit that would help people intelligently deal with the baggage of being in a "real band", i.e. the bullshit. We did a bunch of interviews with local outfits (some of whom were cool and got their name put in there and some of whom were douchebags who just got made to sound like anonymous dum dums) and heard all the goofy things they had to say. But, then we also did longer sessions with Mike from the always super-rad Junius (who are ba-LOWIN' UP these days) on the day their van broke down and he sounded like he wanted to end his Beantown life right there in that Texas mechanics garage, Drew from the fierce Circle Takes The Square (a band that recorded one of my absolute favorite albums ever and since then have become creative hermits) and Christian from potential pop-punk supah-stahs Everything And You.

Now that I'm a little older I feel the whole thing was a little misguided and a lot rushed. We did all the editing and mastering in two nights and the writing was kind of on the fly. As such the narration suffers to some degree, getting a little cheeze at times (but its not so bad). Also, there were some definite misconceptions regarding the value some aspects of music culture, particularly that of myspace which seems to become less and less relevant every day...I dunno. And a lot of the other ideas that went into the project feel distant to me now too. A means of making money is a pretty stupid, shallow way to think about music but whatever: the angle we took don't make the shit we heard less interesting. F'real.

It's stayed in hibernation so long because we couldn't submit it to different festivals and junk because of some Bjork related copyright issues and the pair of us sort of forgot all about it. I don't think we even titled it. Ain't no thang though, its still some pretty decent shit and the editing and overall sound design is reeeeeal tight.



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